Lecture 9: Fronts and Midlatitude Cylones

This activity gets into identifying fronts and reading weather maps.  In this lecture I didn’t really go into how to read weather maps or weather symbols, but if you are interested in this you can probably figure it out pretty easily.  This activity comes in two parts – the maps and the questions.  I’ll have to make a video that explains more on how to do this, but for the first part you are trying to figure out where any fronts might be.  To do this, look at the temperatures of the weather station symbols on the map.  Look for where there is a fairly sudden drop in temperatures, for example, to identify where a cold front might be.

These are the questions:  weather map activity

These are the maps for the questions:  weather maps for activity


Answer keys for both parts:

weather map activity key (questions)
weather map activity key (maps)
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